Father and Son authors, that have never met, write novel


Blood of Invidia Promo cover for Father and Son Novel

For Immediate release:

“Some kids build soapbox derby cars with their fathers. My dad and I built an entire universe,” said Morgen Batten, referring to “Blood of Invidia”, the new novel he co-authored with his father, Tom Tinney. While father-son collaborations are nothing new, theirs is unique. They’ve never met in person. Not once. Circumstances have kept them apart for the last thirty-two years.

Morgen was raised, and resides, in Adelaide, Australia. Tom currently lives in Hartford, WI. They’re both talented and creative writers with a love for the same genres, Science Fiction and Fantasy. Two years ago, Tom wrote an “We should write a book together” text, the ensuing string of texts formed the backbone of the plot and beginning of the universe they would build. That’s when they began this project in earnest. The first goal was to produce a unique and exciting novel. The second goal is to use the proceeds from its sales to fund their first meeting.

Unable to be in the same room, or even easily call to discuss minor plot or character points, planning and technology became their allies. The 300-page book was written in the “cloud” using Dropbox to hold the important files, drafts, spreadsheets, and outlines. There were narrow time windows, when neither was at work and both were up (one going to bed or one just starting their day) when they could Skype to brainstorm and coordinate the next section. That was the process. One author contributing their words, and ideas, twelve hours later, the other wrote his part, adding to the book when the sunlight reached his side of the world.

This is their first father and son project. Their Soapbox Derby car. The project they didn’t have the opportunity to pursue earlier in either’s life. And it will let them finally meet.

It’s not a trip across town, or even cross-country. That would be too simple. This is a meeting that will bring two people together from halfway around the globe (16,000 km or 9,900 miles). While they’ve had a meeting of the minds, they now anticipate meeting in person through the success of “Blood of Invidia”.

Aliens, Vampires and Werewolves…Oh, my!

Blood of Invidia” isn’t full of those cute, candy eating “ET” aliens, or your sparkly “Tween Vampires”. It’s time for you to run (and your little dog too)!

This Science Fiction novel begins 10,000 years ago, a majestic race waged war across our galaxy. They were the Invidians and they conquered worlds, driven to build their empire and fulfill their destiny. But they were mortal, so they sought the secret to eternal life. They found it.

And then the Invidians disappeared.

In our near future, powerful and deadly aliens battle in the streets of New York, captured on social media. The question of “Are we alone?” is answered.

Shortly after, three friends find themselves entangled with a mysterious stranger, discovering that humanity isn’t so high on the food chain, and might just be a breadcrumb on the path paved with the “Blood of Invidia”.

Tom Tinney is an award winning “Biker-Nerd” Science Fiction author. He’s published one novel and has contributed to numerous short story and flash fiction anthologies. His short story “Pest Removal” was nominated for a nationally recognized award. He has a number of projects in the works, some available on his website. He resides in WI with his wife and dogs. Ride safe, ride often.

Morgen Batten is a first time author with a penchant for writing descriptive and intense scenes. He is an avid reader, and gamer, with a love for all that is Fantasy and Science Fiction. He resides in Adelaide Australia.

“Blood of Invidia” is on Amazon worldwide: https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Invidia-Maestru-Book-1-ebook/dp/B01L9DRW2U

More information about the project is available at: http://www.tomtinney.com/blood-of-invidia/

A short Book Video can be seen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3eciBjbG-3c

For more details, or publicity requests, please contact: Email Tom Tinney

